Monday, May 8, 2023

12th Annual FALAFEL Draft Location Madness - Elite Eight Results and Final Four Voting


After two rounds of Madness, we're at the Final Four and it's as chalky as possible. Tampa barely surviving two rounds in a row doesn't bode well for it's matchup against the juggernaut in the Windy City, but apparently a studio tour is more appealing than it sounds? On the other side we have perpetual bridesmaid Pittsburgh against a polarizing Vegas. It's shocking that we haven't actually made it to Pitt yet, but it's equally shocking that we haven't been to Vegas since 2011 and it's never actually won this bracket (or made the Finals as far as I can remember). I'd say that the favorites are Pitt and Chicago, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see any finals matchup or champion.

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