Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Playoff Picture

As many of us descend upon our nation's capital this weekend, one thing is on everyone's mind: Playoffs. Rather than break down playoff odds, or try to project what will happen in the future, here is a breakdown of each team's situation heading into Week 13. The order is what would happen if the playoffs started today, including NiJo and Division rules.

Team-by-Team Playoff Picture

Technically no team is officially eliminated because of the NiJo Rule, but for these purposes I'm going to assume that no team can make up more than 50 points in a given week.

14. Bruno - Eliminated from Playoff Contention. It was one thing to miss the draft and fall prey to an unfortunate ESPN auto-drafting strategy. It was another to get repeatedly trade raped by others in the league without so much as consulting current or former league members on said trades. But not starting Devonta Freeman over Cameron Artis-Payne and throwing Barnard a life raft is unforgiveable. The asterisk now applies to Gutman, myself and Barnard.

13. Esco -  Eliminated from Playoff Contention. Don't look now, but Esco has missed the playoffs three years in a row, and will finish with 9+ losses in two of them. This dry spell came on the heels of back-to-back Stevens Bowl appearances, and one Chef's Coat, but a once-proud franchise is now in a state of disarray.

12. AGD - Eliminated from Playoff Contention. Speaking of once-proud franchises, AGD came of back-to-back Stevens Bowl appearances themselves, and will now fall just about as far as you can. Prior to the season AGD mentioned the possibility of splitting up if they had another deep playoff run. Obviously that didn't happen, but maybe the stress of a potential 10-loss season will have the same effect. #TroubleInParadise?

11. Weissbard - Eliminated from Playoff Contention. It was fun while it lasted. After a mediocre-at-best draft, followed immediately by a string of injuries, Weiss made a nice go of it to stay relevant until Thanksgiving. Earlier in the season it looked like he was headed towards the Long Line, but he managed to avoid that and then organize the First Annual FALAFEL Secret Santa. Things are looking up for Weiss.

10. Ajay - NiJo Rule Eligible. He can't make it in based on his record, but this is the first team that can potentially make up 50 points on 3rd place in scoring. All Ajay needs to care about is putting up as many points as possible and then rooting against pretty much everyone else, namely me, BAM, Gutman, Bennett, and Marco. So you're telling him there's a chance?

9. Marco - Still alive. From a record perspective, Marco needs to beat Levine and then hope for the best. He needs to root for Esco and Bennett, and also make up points on Zacherman, Gutman and whoever loses the Kumpf/Barnard bloodbath. From a NiJo perspective, Marco is in pretty much the same situation as Ajay, but with 5 less points to make up. The Division Champion path is still a possibility as well, but that would involve Marco winning, Barnard losing, and the NiJo rule not being enacted. Marco's done an underrated job of recovering from a slow start, and trade raped the shit out of Z to get Dez, so we should all be thankful for his presence in the league. As we've seen, it could be a lot worse.

8. Bennett - Still alive. A huge Week 12 puts the BMO within shouting distance of a playoff spot, with multiple paths towards the postseason. From a record perspective, it's similar to Marco. Bennett needs to beat Gutman and root for Esco, as well as make up points on Zacherman, Gutman, Kumpf/Barnard. Bennett also has an 18 point lead on Marco, so he's in better position to be in play from a NiJo perspective, especially given his team's propensity for boom/bust weeks. No division title is in play, but I think Bennett will be relevant throughout most of Sunday.

7. Gutman - Likely controls his own destiny. An 8-5 team has never missed the playoffs, but given the weirdness of this year and our convoluted playoff rules, Gutman could potentially be the first (so could Barnard, me and Z). If Gutman beats Bennett, he's likely in play for a top 3 scoring team, which would protect him. However, if he is not top 3 in scoring and ends up in 6th, he would be vulnerable to both NiJo rule from a handful of teams, as well as the Division Champ rule from Barnard or Marco. Gutman really just needs to root for himself to win and put up points, but he should also root against me, as Barnard beating me and/or me falling out of top 3 in scoring would both be beneficial for him.

6. Barnard - Likely controls his own destiny. Barnard is in a similar position to Gutman. If he wins, he clinches his division and can only miss the playoffs by virtue of the NiJo Rule. The most likely candidate for that would be me, but if Barnard beats me, there's a good chance that I'm no longer top three in scoring. Bennett is the other candidate here, and given that he's the only team to be NiJoed out of the playoffs before, it would certainly be poetic. If Barnard loses, he could still make the playoffs if he wins the division over Marco, and a non-top three scorer (likely Gutman or me), is in sixth. Barnard should obviously root for himself, but also for Levine and Gutman, and definitely against Bennett.

5. Kumpf - Likely control my own destiny. I'm essentially in the same spot as Gutman and Barnard, just with more points banked and minimal shot at the division. I could shockingly end up anywhere from the 2 seed to out of the playoffs entirely. I just know I need to root against Alan and BAM for the bye, and then anyone close to me in points. I could win and miss the playoffs or lose and make the playoffs, and that lack of certainty has me extremely stressed out.

4. Zacherman - Likely controls his own destiny. Same situation as me, just with 4 more points and no shot at the division. The biggest factor for Z is that Tennessee and Cleveland are on the bye, and with them, his only semblance of a RB corps. If Z loses, he's a potential NiJo candidate, but given how the rest of the league has gained ground in the last two weeks, I wouldn't feel too safe. Z should be as stressed out as I am.

3. BAM - Control their own destiny. Finally some certainty! If BAM wins, they have no shot of ending up in the vulnerable sixth seed, and would make the playoffs as a top three seed. To get the bye, they need to win and have Levine lose, or have Alan lose, or have Alan win and make up 31 points on him. If they lose, they're still pretty safe. They need to hope that Barnard beats me, so ensure they don't end up in sixth, but even if I beat Barnard, the most likely NiJo threat would be in the playoffs already. This is the first team that can breathe somewhat easily.

2. Alan - Controls his own destiny. Alan can also breathe pretty easily, as it would be an absolute shock if he ended up falling to sixth and getting NiJoed with a loss. If he wins, he's in and likely has a bye, and if he loses, it would take absolute chaos for him to miss the playoffs. The Masandiassance lives on.

1. Levine - Clinched the playoffs. If Levine wins, he clinches the one seed and a bye. If he loses, he can't fall farther than third, but that bye is pretty important for our 4th lowest scoring team. Outside of that, he should just be rooting for the more dangerous teams to lose to make his absurdly easy schedule continue in the playoffs.

My head is spinning so there could be some inaccuracies in there, but here are the basic facts:

  • Weissbard, Esco, AGD and Bruno are eliminated.
  • Ajay can only get in via the NiJo rule, but it would take a miracle. He needs to put up a shit ton of points and hope for the best.
  • Marco and Bennett have multiple paths to the playoffs, but none is very likely. They both need to win, root for for each other (but not too much) and Esco, and hope things break their way.
  • Gutman, Barnard, myself and Z likely just need to win, but we also probably need to put up enough points to stay out of 6th. A loss wouldn't officially eliminate any of us, but those situations aren't ideal.
  • BAM and Alan control their own destiny, and neither one is really in much danger of missing out.
  • Levine is sitting pretty but still needs to win for the bye.
Everyone still has something to play for, whether that's a playoff berth, a bye, avoiding shots at next year's draft, or plain old spite. Best of luck to everyone but Barnard. See some of you on Friday.

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