Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 9 CPP Rankings

I'm off on Thursday and Friday because my parents are in town, so I'll take a quick look at the division strengths, then give the rankings with no commentary. Back to the usual format next week, possibly with a Consolation Prize or two.

Division Update

Esco's Faggots
Record: 24-21
Winning Percentage: .533
Points For: 4246.6
Points Against: 3906.7
Average Matchup Score: 94.37 - 86.81

Ajay's Rugmunchers
Record: 20-16
Winning Percentage: .556
Points For: 3228.8
Points Against: 3201.2
Average Matchup Score: 89.69 - 88.92

Can't Believe Bennett's In 1st
Record: 19-26
Winning Percentage: .422
Points For: 4006.5
Points Against: 4374.2
Average Matchup Score: 89.03 - 97.20

These are more just random facts than anything else, though it is interesting that a team playing against Esco's division scores over 10 points less per game than a team playing against Nick's division. I think Joseph may have spread his disease to the rest of the division, which was likely his plan all along. Ajay's division is exceptionally mediocre and I have literally nothing to say about it.

Another random bit of information, if the playoffs started today, these would be the seedings:
1. Donnie (Bye)
2. AGD (Bye)
3. Kumpf
4. Esco
5. BAM
6. Gutman

If we were not using our new division rules, these would be the seedings:
1. Donnie (Bye)
2. AGD (Bye)
3. Esco
4. BAM
5. Gutman
6. Kumpf

So the only differences are the first round matchups, so far. Also, Weissbard would be eligible for the NiJo rule, as he is currently a top 3 scorer, but none of the playoff teams other than Donnie fall outside the top 6, keeping Weiss out unless Donnie collapses, or Barnard somehow becomes the 6 seed.

Week 9 CPP Rankings:
1. Esco - CPP: 269.56, Last Week - 1st
2. AGD - CPP: 265.82, Last Week - 2nd
3. Gutman - CPP: 258.90, Last Week - 3rd
4. Kumpf - CPP: 242.91, Last Week - 5th
5. Weissbard - CPP: 238.72, Last Week - 4th
6. Zacherman - CPP: 214.96, Last Week - 6th
7. Kimmel - CPP: 211.97, Last Week - 7th
8. BAM - CPP: 211.65, Last Week - 8th
9. Alan - CPP: 208.21, Last Week - 10th
10. Donnie - CPP: 200.15, Last Week - 11th
11. Joseph - CPP: 197.32, Last Week - 9th
12. Ajay - CPP: 197.14, Last Week - 12th
13. Bennett - CPP: 185.96, Last Week - 13th
14. Barnard - CPP: 160.29, Last Week - 14th

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