Thursday, October 6, 2022

Trade Grades 1&2

 Checking in for a quick Trade Recap.

Trade Grade 1
Nick receives Matt Breida
Weissbard receives Jaylen Warren

Really easing into the trades this year. A simple swap of handcuffs. I prefer Breida to Warren slightly because 1) he's gotten snaps in the NFL before and 2) Benny Snell might be the actual backup in Pitt if Najee goes down. I've already said too much about this trade.
Nick Grade: B+
Weissbard Grade: B

Trade Grade 2
Esco receives Mark Ingram II and Mark Andrews
Marco receives Darrell Henderson Jr., Christian Kirk, and T.J. Hockenson

Now we're talking! It might be a TE-centric trade, but we'll take what we can get at this point. This trade is actually pretty even, though for completely different reasons. 

For Esco, he traded his fourth best RB and WR for as big of an upgrade as possible at TE, as well as his most necessary handcuff. You can't do much better than improving your starting lineup and insurance policy while only hurting your bench. And trading Hockenson this week is the definition of selling high.

For Marco, the standards are a lot lower. He was able to add two starters while downgrading from a top two TE to a TE firmly in the top 10 but probably not top 5. In general, that's good business too! But the fact that Esco's table scraps are now obvious starters for Marco doesn't bode well for Marco's season. Not a bad trade, but I would put money on seeing Marco get rid of Lamb and maybe Chase within the next month as he scrambles for relevance.
Esco Grade: A
Marco Grade: B+

And for the hell of hit, here's a quick Power Ranking as we cross the quarter pole of the season:

  1. Levine
  2. Esco
  3. Zacherman
  4. Kumpf
  5. AGD
  6. Gutman
  7. Barnard
  8. Alan
  9. Weissbard
  10. Ajay
  11. Marco
  12. Nick
  13. Billy
  14. BMO

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