This is Year 2 of the double Rivalry Week, so just a reminder that we will each play our rivals in Weeks 1 and 14, with $25 on the line each time. I'm writing this between classes, so not a lot of time for preamble (or to think of new bowl names, as you are about to see).
Here are our 2022 Rivalry Weeks matchups, ranked in order of the average points from each matchup:
1.(tie) Esco vs. Weissbard - 14.0 Points - The Halloween Prank Bowl V
1.(tie) Gutman vs. Marco - 14.0 Points - The Dad Bowl V aka The Father of Two Bowl III
3. (tie) Alan vs. Levine - 12.5 Points - The Unexpected Shade Bowl II
3. (tie) AGD vs. Bennett- 12.5 Points - The Last Remaining Duo Bowl
3. (tie) Ajay vs. Kumpf - 12.5 Points - The Madden Champ Bowl
6. Barnard vs. Nick - 12.0 Points - The Best Email Writer Bowl
7. Billy vs. Zacherman - 11.0 Points - The Drive to the Draft Bowl
Here is the raw data:
- As usual, Barnard was the most desirable Rival, as only Bennett, Billy, and Zacherman had him below average. He was followed relatively closely by Gutman, as a near repeat from two years ago has been quickly forgotten in favor of remembering that he has two small children.
- AGD was the least desirable Rival, which is understandable given their historical success.
- People were most split about Alan as a Rival. Nine teams had them in their top 6, while four had him in their bottom 3. Given that he usually either totally bombs or wins the whole damn thing, that makes sense, and supports my theory that Alan is FALAFEL's Eli Manning.
- Everyone was pretty consistent with both Billy and myself, as no one had really strong feelings about facing a monster RB duo/trio or having root against the disabled guy twice a year.